WED - FRI - 10 AM TO 5 PM
SAT - 11 AM TO 5 PM
SUN - 12 PM TO 5 PM
617 906 6838 | USA
416 871 9707 | CANADA

The Start
The story of Two Friends date a decade back to the cold and frosty evenings at a charming Scottish town. As students plowing through university, treats were rare and so had to be special. The girls found their love in sinful dark chocolate truffles- so special that years later the memories would give them cravings. Fast forward six years and a few thousand miles, the sweeter one among them got to work to recreate those old memories for the best friend’s birthday. That turned out magical. So good that it was criminal not to share. That was the beginning of Two Friends Chocolates. Today, a few years and many products later, the fundamental business ethic of the company whose foundation is a remarkable friendship, still remains the same- creating awesome chocolates that would reflect friendship, good times and togetherness.
The Two Friends Collections sketch the friends' stories- the wistful flavors from the aromatic kitchens of their childhood homes in India to the finery of New England, colors of the Canadian Fall through the crisp English winters that smelt of warm tea, the salty breeze of Mediterranean, the hustles of pretty Bavarian towns and the many tastes and smells that inspires them from the many places wanderlust takes them to. Those inspirations flavor and scent every chocolate crafted at the Two Friends Idea and Innovations center. When you taste the chocolates, you become an extension of that story.
Two Friends Chocolates operates out of US and Canada. Working on the same ideas, master recipes and unique craftsmanship the Two Friends Chocolates are handcrafted out of Boxborough MA for US and Markham ON for Canada. Except from a few special flavors including local seasonal harvest Two Friends offer the same collection to both countries. For more information on reach us at